Children’s hyperactivity disorder, only because of a mouthful of phlegm! The prescription for treating hyperactivity disorder is poor for your parents

Speaking of ADHD, ordinary people may think it is a joke. But for the parents of the children, this is a pain that is hard to heal for a lifetime.

I once met the mother of a child. Her son, from kindergarten to primary school, has been discouraged countless times. At the age of 8, he was diagnosed with ADHD. He was abusive all day and could not sit for even one minute.

In addition, the whole person is irritable. In class, we are distracted. As for culture class, we can't learn at all. Even the most basic things are difficult to master. Mothers cry all day long. Its pain is beyond ordinary people's understanding.


The family members were afraid that taking western medicine for a long time would be bad for their health, so they switched to traditional Chinese medicine for treatment.

Carved diagnosis showed that the baby's pulse was smooth, the tongue coating was white and greasy, the tongue texture was red, the prickles were raised, and the urine color was yellow. After careful examination, we learned that the child often feels abdominal distension, has phlegm in his throat, and speaks with the sound of phlegm.

Prescription: Coptis chinensis, Zhuru, calamus, tangerine peel, pinellia ternata, galanga, polygala, fructus aurantii, tulip, raw licorice, uncaria.

This is for internal use. In combination with this, there is also an external prescription. This is, cinnabar, coptis chinensis, and galanga, ground into fine powder, mixed with vinegar, and applied to the Yongquan acupoints on both sides.


In this way, after three weeks of medication, the patient's attention improved greatly, his mood was stable, and his performance in class improved greatly. Next, the original prescription was used for another 30 doses, and all the evidence was clear. The children could basically study independently, and there was no difference with other children, and their learning performance improved.

Obviously, from a dialectical point of view, the above child is a typical phlegm-heat disturbance. His tongue is red and prickly, which indicates that there is heat in his body. The greasy coating on the tongue indicates phlegm and dampness.

There is phlegm in the throat and the stomach is full, which means that the middle focus is not harmonious and the phlegm is blocked. Yellow urine indicates that heat is evil and disturbs the body. The evil of phlegm-heat is overshadowed by the heart, which makes people feel uneasy and confused. Therefore, they are confused, and their words are filthy, hyperactive and multilingual, which cannot be suppressed.


What should we do at this time? It is very simple. Take the medicine Wendan Tang internally to reduce the heat and phlegm, and open the mind.

As for external medicine, it also plays the role of clearing heat, calming nerves and resolving phlegm.

Of course, I can't say that all children's ADHD belong to phlegm-heat. Even if the syndrome is phlegm-heat, there are slight differences between different children. Therefore, this compatibility should be used under the guidance of professional doctors.


Here, I'd like to say a few more words – children are childish yin and yang. Their anger is easy to get high. Liver yang is also prone to hyperactivity. As parents, be sure to pay attention to their diet, not too fat, greasy, spicy.

Otherwise, if you eat these things, it will easily cause spleen dampness. Spleen dampness and stagnation, and then entangled with the evil of yang heat, form phlegm heat. Phlegm heat disturbs the mind, and the child is prone to trouble.


I even think that besides ADHD, the rebellious character of many children is also related to phlegm-heat. Therefore, we must understand the physical characteristics of children and try to reduce the problems caused by unscientific feeding.

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